Consultations with a mentor once a week
Paid internship
Pair programming
Education/«Frontend developer» course
Consultations with a mentor once a week
Paid internship
Pair programming
GIT, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, RTK Query, Redux Toolkit, i18n
Workshops, livecoding and pair programming, code-reviews, modern code writing practices
After the course - 3 months of paid internship on real projects of the company
Practicing algorithmic problem solving, resume writing and interviewing skills
Topics: HTML, GIT, GitHub, Chrome Dev Tools, VS Code, Terminal
Final Project: Multi-page website - Personal Blog
Topics: CSS, BEM, SCSS/SASS preprocessors, positioning with Flexbox and adaptive layouts, Figma
Final project: Landing of online FPV drone store. Fixed and adaptive layout, pixel perfect
Topics: Full dive into the JavaScript programming language. Tasks on algorithms and data structures. Design patterns. Programming principles.
Final project - live coding problem solving
Topics: Working with DOM API, cookies, local storage, session storage
Final project: Implementation of a virtual keyboard
Topics: React, Redux Toolkit, Fetch, Routing in a React application
Diploma project: The Traveler - hotel and hotel reservations
Paid internship on a commercial project
Project technology stack: React, Typescript, i18n, Vite, Next.js, RTK Query, Zustand, Jenkins, GitLab, Unit tests - Jest, Git flow, React Testing Library, Playwright, Code style management, Pre commit hooks - Husky, FSD design, Lighthouse
Workshop with a career counselor
Writing a resume. Preparing for an interview. Test interviews. Advice on negotiating to get an offer
During the training program, you will be surrounded by a team of fellow students, with whom you will go through all stages of the learning process. You will not feel lonely, as support and interaction with colleagues will become an important part of your educational journey.
After completing your training at Apex Nova Tech and becoming a developer, the support from the team will remain with you. Graduates continue to communicate, participate in exclusive IT community events, and actively share experiences and knowledge with each other.
Here are some examples of product features that a frontend developer is working on in different areas:
These examples demonstrate the variety of product features that Frontend developers implement as they work to improve the user experience and functionality of different types of applications.
When you go to the site and you see the "Buy" button. That's what they do! They make sure you don't get confused and can easily find what you are looking for.
They optimize page loads so you don't get bored while you wait. Imagine going to a website and it loads instantly. That's a credit to them! They also improve the animations so that everything is smooth and beautiful.
Frontend developers are true technology gurus. They work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as cool frameworks and libraries like React, Angular or Vue. Imagine going to a website and seeing it running like clockwork. This is because frontend developers know how to apply these tools.
Imagine going to a website from your computer and then from your phone and it looks equally cool. That's a credit to them! They make sites mobile-friendly so you can use them anywhere.
If you go to the site and everything works perfectly, even in different browsers, this is also a successful work of the frontend developer, because he has already checked compatibility and fixed bugs.
Imagine going to a weather website and seeing that it displays the current temperature. This is because frontend developers used APIs to get this data.
When you see beautiful animations, easy navigation and a simple checkout process, it's a credit to Frontend developers! They do everything to make sure you enjoy using web applications.
When you see a stylish calculator or a handy note-taking app created by a front-end developer, it shows that he or she not only performs tasks for others, but also has the ability to create useful and original products on their own.
This is what a Frontend developer's job looks like in a nutshell!
Frontend - Developers create intuitive interfaces, optimize performance, work with cutting edge technologies, develop responsive designs, integrate APIs, and constantly test and improve user experience. Join a team of professionals - We'll teach you how to work!
Обучение в Apex Nova Tech дало мне реальные навыки работы с современными технологиями, а стажировка помогла быстро адаптироваться к настоящим проектам. Уже через два месяца после курса я получила предложение от крупной IT-компании!